What I Learned from Leaving My Career to Be a Stay-at-Home Parent

Leaving My Career to Be a Stay-at-Home Parent

When I left my marketing career after having my first child, I embarked on a journey that taught me a lot about life, priorities, and myself. Transitioning from brief maternity leave to full-time parenting was a major adjustment filled with challenges and rewards. Now, after several years as a stay-at-home mom, I can look back … Read more

Life-Changing Lessons from Books That Shaped Me

Life-Changing Lessons from Books

Beyond sparking my imagination, books have taught me so much about life, relationships, overcoming hardship, and what really matters. Great writing has a way of reaching depths within us that profoundly shape how we navigate the world. Reflecting on impactful books that guided me at pivotal times, I’m struck by how the insights and empathy … Read more

Lessons on Being True to Yourself from Quitting My Job

Quitting My Job

After years in a high-paying but unfulfilling job, I finally worked up the courage to walk away. Quitting without another opportunity lined up felt terrifying. But ultimately, leaving behind work that compromised my values taught me invaluable lessons. Rediscovering my purpose and talents outside a golden handcuff job emboldened me to live more authentically. Now … Read more

The Surprising Life Lessons Sports Taught Me

Life Lessons Sports Taught Me

Playing sports competitively from a young age into college shaped me in many ways. Beyond physical skills, sports provided an invaluable education in life lessons that applied far beyond the field or court. Looking back, some of the most meaningful takeaways were surprising. Pursuing athletics taught me about hard work, resilience, teamwork, handling pressure, and … Read more

10 Financial Lessons I Learned in My 30s

10 Financial Lessons I Learned in My 30s

They say with age comes wisdom, and entering my 30s brought hard-won money lessons. In my 20s, I made many financial missteps. Debt piled up from poor budgeting and instant gratification. But once I got serious about achieving stability and freedom, things turned around. Through trial and error, I developed smarter money habits in my … Read more

My Experience with Depression and Lessons Learned

Experience with Depression and Lessons Learned

Depression is a challenging mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. As someone who has struggled with depression, I wanted to share my personal experience and some of the key lessons I’ve learned along the way. My hope is that this post helps provide perspective and maybe some insights for those going through … Read more

What is Consciousness- Is it produced by the brain or something more?

Consciousness- Is it produced by the brain

Consciousness is one of the most fascinating and mysterious topics in science and philosophy. It refers to our awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. When we think, perceive, feel emotions, experience sensations, or make decisions, we are displaying consciousness. But what exactly causes it? Where does it come from and how is it produced? These … Read more